Sunday, October 08, 2006

Counting down...

Have you ever noticed that we live our lives by numbers, or is the inexplicable absence of consciousness towards the notion due purely down to the fact that we simply accept it, and move on?!

Don't worry, I'm not going to go and get all existentialist or start to regurgitate crack-pot theories of conspiracies, I was just articulating my thoughts....

So yeah, counting down.....

I weighed myself this morning and I noticed that I have now dropped down to under 80 kgs, which is the lightest that I've been since I was about 23-24. It's a far cry from the halcyon days after blowing out my knee when I managed to balloon up to 94 kgs, and do a fairly handy impersonation of the Michelin Man in the process. It's not so much the weight that I find interesting, more so the constant scrutiny that I have on the numbers themselves. I need a second opinion (set of scales), because I don't know how I could be 78kgs, but hey, when in Rome.....

Counting down.....

Since booking a trip in March, I've been keeping a daily counter on my whiteboard at work, which I use as much of a reminder of when I'm due to return back to Australia as I do a means to piss off my colleagues and to drive their jealousy. Thing is, given the current work climate and that I'm now engaged, I wont be able to head back to Oz for probably another year, and if that's the case, I'll have been here in the UK for almost three years without a return home.

Counting down.....

Today would have brought me within 40 days....

40 days...

Geelong can blow a season in 40 days....
Lent apparently lasts 40 days....

In essence, it's a short time given that I've now been here in the UK for 592 days - and counting.....

It's all about the counting.......

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