Monday, May 23, 2005


Today represents the three month anniversary of having left Australia, and although I don't suffer from being homesick, there are plenty of things and people that I miss, and will continue to miss whilst over here. As there is a touch of melancholy, I've decided to listen to two hours straight of 1980's music, and if that doesn't send me over the edge, nothing will.

Whilst Go West's 'We close our eyes' crackles from the poor-excuse-for-speakers that this craptop has, I will compose a quick list of 20 things that I miss most about Australia. I'm not including people in this, because I know that I'll offend someone, and I'd rather not discriminate, and offend everyone equally. This list is in no particular order, and of little comic value, but hey, I've been tacitly promoting that for a number of years now.

20 Things I miss About Home
  1. Decent Steak,
  2. Good Fruit & Veg,
  3. My House and not sharing with 4 freaks,
  4. Clean Water,
  5. avoidance of the Mumps,
  6. Seeing Collingwood competing for another wooden spoon,
  7. A lack of snow and -4 days,
  8. 'The Comedy Channel' (Not the TV channel),
  9. Good water pressure,
  10. Having access to a car,
  11. The beach,
  12. Decent radio stations,
  13. Not being the ethnic minority,
  14. Not having to write bulk emails or a blog,
  15. Toothpaste for sensitive teeth,
  16. My Mp3 collection,
  17. The relative comfort of V-line,
  18. Not looking out of place because everyone else is fat,
  19. Them Cats,
  20. James Boags.

To be fair, it's not all bad.

I don't have to put up with seeing Eddie McGuire every 15 minutes, and only 30% of the newspapers over here have reported Del Santo winning the Brownlow!

I'm sure The Ashes will be a redeeming feature, and when I finally get myself to the continent, I'm sure I'll have a greater appreciation of what this place has to offer!

Now, I'm contemplating which of the following songs to listen to;

  • Toto - 'Africa',
  • Steve Winwood - 'While you see a chance', or
  • Nik Kershaw - 'Wouldn't it be good'.

These after the veritable feast that was;

  • Mister Mister - 'Broken Wings',
  • Murray Head - 'One Night in Bangkok' &
  • Womack & Womack - 'Teardrops'.

And no, I'm not gay! Even though it could easily be argued that I'm heading that way......

It could have been worse, I could have opted for 'The Tears of a Clown' by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles...but mentioning it was sad enough.

I did briefly consider listening to Pseudo Echo's 'Funky Town', but that has been forever ruined, from my trip to India, when we (Newman, Vinnie & I) were walking through Siliguri and Vinnie starts singing, 'Wont you take me to........a shanty town!'

Anyway, this is a short post, I'm saving up for the long weekend, where I'll endeavour to do something that merits posting, and if - on the off chance - this doesn't happen, then I'll just create some fictitious tale and pass it off as reality.

One last thing:-


Still can't believe S-Rob is flying to Turkey for that puppy!

Take care all! I miss a lot of you some, and some of you a lot! Others, well, I've dedicated eight words to you!


Anonymous said...

Go the Mighty Reds!!!

Benitez is God!

Chris Jackson said...

Benitez will be immortal if it happens tonight. Is this Justy Mcleod, perchance?

Chris Jackson said...

Benitez will be immortal if it happens tonight. Is this Justy Mcleod, perchance?

Anonymous said...

I told you he was god!

and yes that's me!
