Monday, January 15, 2007

A new beginning of sorts....

I doubt that I'll be able to get into the second paragraph before I start trivialising important things in my life and get aboard the self-deprecating train and castigate myself purely for the sake of it, but anyway, here are a couple of thoughts - and serious ones at that - which have been circulating in my head for the last few weeks.

Now, without getting into any personal or explicit details, it's fair to say that the last month has probably been the hardest of my life, certainly my adult life. It's been by far more mentally and emotionally draining than it has physically, but as anyone will tell you, the pain of the mind and the soul hurts far more.

I'm pretty much out the other side now, and although there are going to be some scars there for the rest of my life, I'm actually thankful - to a degree - that I've been through this. It's really confirmed so many things that I thought I knew about myself and others, and it's taught me countless other things, not that I'm trying to be philosophical in any way, I'm just trying to move on.

One thing is for certain though, when you have friends and family around you of the calibre that I have, there's never any doubt that things will right themselves in the end.

This is probably a weird post, given that most people wont have any clue to what I'm referring to, but I'm sure I've written weirder. If not, then I've got something to aspire to.


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