Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Expressing yourself...

Since the Ashes whitewash, and the following 20-20 massacre, I keep hearing/reading of the media, former players and critics putting a lot of England's recent putridity down to one thing; the failure of their players to 'express themselves'.

Now, if I was to say that this is one of the biggest loads of shite that I've ever heard, I'd hardly be exaggerating. I think everyone's got it wrong here. I actually think that they are expressing themselves, and it's actually the expression that's the problem.

Each and every English player are screaming out "we're fucking rancid" and I think that is the problem.

Let's face it, when you give someone like Michael Vaughan an OBE and the rabble that follows him MBEs for winning two tests, maybe you need to look at the forms of expression that are evident within your society.

The English and their cricket team make me laugh.

Fortunately, I don't express myself.

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