Monday, April 30, 2007

Travel Notes from Poland...

About 18 months ago I meandered over to Krakow. I've included the projected itinerary vs the actual itinerary....


Friday PM - Fly London to Munich
Friday PM - Fly Munich to Krakow
Friday PM - Meet BTLC and catch up for ales
Friday PM - Sleep @ Nathan's Villa Hostel (Proper Bed), Krakow.

Saturday Day - Tour Auschwitz & Birkenau
Saturday PM - Tour Old Krakow
Saturday PM - Sample the local nightlife
Saturday PM - Sleep @ Nathan's Villa Hostel (Proper Bed), Krakow.

Sunday AM - Finish Krakow & surrounding areas
Sunday PM - Fly Krakow to Frankfurt
Sunday PM - Fly Frankfurt to London (Lufthansa)


Friday PM - Fly London through the greatest turbalence ever,
Friday PM - Unable to land in Munich, circle for 40 minues,
Friday PM - Running out of fuel, flee to Nuremburg
Friday PM - Get stuck on the tarmac @ Nuremburg in massive storm
Friday PM - Beer runs out on Lufthansa flight
Friday PM - Refuelling takes an additional 45 minutes
Saturday AM - Arrive in Munich - No more flights
Saturday AM - Baggage services stop, luggage somewhere in Munich airport
Saturday AM - Told we have to stay in Munich
Saturday AM - Told there are no direct flights to Krakow later in the day
Saturday AM - Told a connecting flight in Warsaw is required
Saturday AM - Consider assaulting Lufthansa staff
Saturday AM - Arrive (230am) at hotel on outskirts of Munich
Saturday AM - Set off for Munich airport (630am)
Saturday AM - Arrive Munich airport
Saturday AM - Told that luggage 'should be' on the flight
Saturday AM - Take off on Lot airlines to Warsaw
Saturday AM - Arrive Warsaw International gates
Saturday AM - Cant get through to domestic flights
Saturday AM - Still can't get through
Saturday PM - Flight to board soon
Saturday PM - Almost to domestic flights
Saturday PM - Get through, run like buggery, get to domestic flights
Saturday PM - Flight's delayed
Saturday PM - Still waiting in departures
Saturday PM - Get the boarding call an hour late
Saturday PM - Get on transit (bus) to the plane,
Saturday PM - Plane has PROPELLORS!!!!! Wtf?
Saturday PM - Arrive in Krakow
Saturday PM - Happy days!
Saturday PM - Where's our luggage?
Saturday PM - Told it will be there at midnight....handy!
Saturday PM - Find transport to hostel
Saturday PM - Our beds have been given away
Saturday PM - Buy replacement clothes
Saturday PM - Check out old Krakow
Saturday PM - Buy alcohol
Saturday PM - Drink alcohol
Saturday PM - Continue consumption
Sunday AM - Hopes soar heading to hostel
Sunday AM - Luggage is there!!! Richard's at least!
Sunday AM - Rage about my luggage not having arrived
Sunday AM - Send abusive drunk emails to friends and random people (I know you're surprised at this)
Sunday AM - Head to bed (5am)
Sunday AM - Wake up with only a few hours opportunity to head to Auschwitz/Birkenau
Sunday AM - Find out my luggage is in Frankfurt (nice work there)
Sunday AM - Make it clear to staff that they need to ensure that my luggage remains in Frankfurt
Sunday AM - Make the mistake of letting Richard navigate
Sunday AM - Do a ridiculous 30 minute circuit, ending up back LITERALLY where we start
Sunday AM - Return to hostel
Sunday AM - Catastrophe, one of the biggest craps in history, no toilet paper.
Sunday AM - Make do...
Sunday AM - Get back on track, heading for bus stop
Sunday AM - Bus from Krakow to Oswicz
Sunday AM - Auschwitz/Birkenau lightning tour
Sunday PM - Bus back to Krakow
Sunday PM - Running out of time
Sunday PM - Running to the hostel, time runs faster
Sunday PM - Hungover, knackered, running from hostel to tram/bus
Sunday PM - An hour until flight, still waiting for bus
Sunday PM - Bus = 40-50 minutes (Minimum)
Sunday PM - Hail a cab
Sunday PM - Make mistake of using the words 'airport really fast' and ommitting the word 'safely'
Sunday PM - Watch helplessly as cab ploughs through a pedestrien crossing
Sunday PM - Point out a mother and pram about to be killed by crazy cab driver
Sunday PM - Get stuck behind worlds slowest driver and cops
Sunday PM - Realise the plane is due to depart in 30 minutes
Sunday PM - Beginning hyperventilating (ok, not really)
Sunday PM - Arrive at Krakow Airport
Sunday PM - Notice that everyone else in Poland is at Krakow Airport
Sunday PM - Pull the 'I'm Australian, I dont speak Polish or understand queues' routine
Sunday PM - Jump 175 spots in the queue - a new Polish record
Sunday PM - Get stuck behind a dumbar$e family sendoff at passport control
Sunday PM - Feel the urge to maim grow rapidly
Sunday PM - Run into departures
Sunday PM - Find out that the plane is late
Sunday PM - Miss another connecting flight
Sunday PM - Arrive in Frankfurt
Sunday PM - Find out that my luggage has been sent to Krakow, via Warsaw
Sunday PM - Watch BTLC get felt up by a chubby german guy at the airport
Sunday PM - Catch a BA flight to London

To understate things, it could have been a bit smoother or simpler, but such is life.

On the positive side, Krakow is a magnificent place, it's cheap as chips and if you are unmoved going to a place like Auschwitz or Birkenau, then I'd be very surprised. Amazing place, and one I need to go back to some day, that's for sure.

After the Polish incident it took a few more days before I received my luggage, as it went to Krakow, then back to Frankfurt. MUPPETS!!!


Anonymous said...

A classic travel story, simple moral of the tale: beware the Jackson travel curse.

Oh, and don't let me navigate, anywhere, anytime. Do not underestimate the lack of powers of my navigation.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Kevin from Queensland, and I'm here to help.