Monday, March 27, 2006

I'm going to hell.....

DJD:- "Man, there are a lot of blind people around here. [Wembley]"
CBJ:- "You're right, I saw one this morning actually! But he didn't see me."
DJD:- *Laughing* "Shut up, you can't say that so loud, she [the blind woman] will hear you!"
CBJ:- "It's ok, she wont know who said it!"


Anonymous said...

Nice work boys!!

You made an unemployed bum in Asia have a good laugh! DJD ... good form!

BTW - I hit 8 over the card the other day ... off to Malaysia tomorrow for another session!!


volcboy said...

Reminds me of a college drink-fest I went to, and a politically incorrect conversation at the urinal with a pissed guy (PG) about a blind student (Helen):

SDW: Having a good time?
PG: Yep, but not as good as Helen - she's fucking blind!