Monday, October 17, 2005

Late night calls....

Although I'm not Bill Bryson, I still feel that I have enough experience to dispense travel advice, and given the occurrances on my recent trip to Spain, I feel that I am qualified to dispense it now.
  1. When - in an inebriated state - you return to your hotel at ~4:00AM, do not make international calls to Australia,
  2. If you do make calls to Australia, be sure to keep the duration to a period less than 40 minutes,
  3. During said calls, be sure to address the fundamental rationale that precipitated the call,
  4. Be assured that if you use lines similar to "We're here in Spain, you're not - you c*nt!!!" and repeat it 5-10 times, it can eventually become far more hilarious than possibly imagined...well if you're a witness to the events unfolding, it is.


Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more.

I couldn't count the number of times (mainly cause I was too wasted to later remember most of them)that I foolishly rang up astronomical international calls to some mate who probably either couldnt understand me or copped some abuse, whilst I was hammered in some English drinking establishment.

I particularly remember being told I'd rung up my Mum and talking for like half an hour and then ringing back 10 minutes later forgetting I'd rung earlier and saying exactly the same shit again and wondering why they kept laughing.

Anonymous said...

Ha ... soon DJD will be receiving a similar call from Singapore ... where it is warm and humid!!