Thursday, March 31, 2005

And so it begins.....

The origins of this blog stem back to a dark and distant time in my life, and without unnecessarily boring the average reader with a verbose tale, or attempting to build up the setting, it's fair to say that it was one of those bright ideas that evolved from a few too many beers, and far too little food. Where this tale differs from normality is that I can actually remember the night in question, and as the actual content doesn't remain a mystery, I've decided to act upon it, even if it's just for a few days.

You see, a lifetime ago I had this ridiculous ambition to become a journalist, but because I was such a pathetic writer, this never panned out. Unlike many others, the obviousness of the situation never really dawned on me, and I've always had some obsessive belief that I could write, which I've somehow preserved for over ten years. Funny thing is, with the exception of a few shit articles that I've had published around the place, I've really never had the stones to put my name to anything beyond emails or work-related content, but now is the time for change, even if it's only as a cleansing excercise, but I've tangented..... I feel like someone in therapy getting over the denial phase ;-)
So my buddy was bemoaning the fact that he never had a crack at his passion - sports journalism - and that it was time to saddle up and throw his hat into the ring and at least give it a go, in one form of another, so I figured that I may as well write something also, being the true sheep that I am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm so gonna beat you up for this :)