It's almost the three month anniversary since my last post, and although I was really hoping I could achieve this landmark, the avalanche of emails begging me to start posting was the impetus for this phenomenal return.
I've thrown in a ludicrous picture of me standing in the middle of the Daugava river, in Riga, Latvia. As you can see, not only have I morphed into a cone-head, but I've also mastered the 'ridiculous pose'. It takes a lot of application to be able to perform to that level.
spock flee
you're the best blogger on the net, bar none.
About time Jacko!! ; )
Need more info on weekend trips and local UK happenings!! And what happened on the NY trip?
Had the pleaseure of DJD for a weekend in Asia .... needless to say he made some moves on the dance floor .... and 2 seconds later the drunk girls boyfriends came from nowhere and were standing over him!! Got some classic photos!!
Go you good thing. Signing off from a 34 degree climate!!
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