Sunday, November 30, 2008


There's a country called 'Reunion' - I couldn't make this shit up!!!


So I have this tendency not to watch TV anymore, aside from movies and sports, but this has a very obvious issue, I miss out on seeing good or funny TV.  In order to compensate I do these crazy-arsed marathons where I watch a shit-load of consecutive episodes to catch up.

I'm coming to the end of series two of 'Californication' which had one of the funniest sex dirty-talk exchanges I've seen, but that's not saying much because I haven't watched much porn, but hey ho.

"Fuck me like I'm Al Qaeda"
"I'm declaring Jihad on your pussy!"

Gotta love Duchovny as Hank Moody!  

We now need to see Gillian Anderson playing a schizophrenic midget stalker!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Age is merely a reference point for potential experience......


It's not the journey that makes the individual, it's the individual that makes the journey, moreover it's the impact that the sum of both impart!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So I'm checking out an old email account that I had back in the day - the day being when I used to throw a few words together in a charlatan's attempt at composing a blog and wowing the masses of internet freaks, err, folks with my scintillating banter and wit.

Obviously, these were heady days, and judging by my lack of posts over the last 18 months or so, I either got bored, or I lived off the gravy-train which my earlier posts precipitated.

Either way, it's pretty obvious that I'm full of shit - but that's hardly a startling revelation now!

Anyway, back to what I started on before tangenting.....which by the way, I'm extremely fond of.......

So I'm checking this old email address and I notice a couple of emails which were responses to my posts. Having a response in itself is fucking hilarious, and not usually because it's a friend belittling my literary prowess, but because some gimp is usually upset, taking things too seriously, or failing to understand the supreme intelligence that I possess.

Anyway, many moons ago I wrote a blog called "Little India" which centred on a particular London bus route and those that make use of it, with particular mention of the age of said commuters.

I got the following response posted:-

"Cant wait till you turn into an old, extremely ugly, whitish/mulitcoloured old freak and then we'll laugh as you crack your head open on you struggle weakly to get on on public transport....."

I read this and two words sprang to mind, they were "Fucking" and "Hilarious" although not necessarily capitalised, or at least that way.

Unfortunately, it was posted by 'Anonymous', so I'm not sure if it was my mother that posted it, but judging by the god-awful grammar, I'd doubt it was.

Now, I don't proof my own stuff and I have no real cares for it in this forum, unless of course you're going to flame someone, or attempt to flame someone, or - as the case may be here - make the poster almost piss himself laughing.

And since you've woken me from my 'literary' slumber, I thank you.